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Rewarding fund performance and service provider excellence across credit funds
Thursday 16 May 2024 | etc. venues, County Hall, London
For more than a decade, Private Equity Wire has been recognising excellence in the fields of fundraising, portfolio performance, and service provision.
An allocator board, peer surveys, editorial expertise, and data analysis go into selecting our winners, helping us build one of the industry’s most influential awards programmes.
Each event is an opportunity for celebration, networking and, most importantly, recognition attended by an exclusive list of 100+ C-suite leaders from the GP, LP, and service provider communities.
With private credit’s astronomical rise to prominence as an asset class recently, it’s more important than ever to recognise those at the forefront of its evolution. Join us as we identify the leaders in a booming industry.
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Find out which GPs are outperforming across a range of AUM brackets, investment strategies and geographies. Learn who’s serving them most effectively.
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Put yourself on the radar of keen investors and meet service providers that can help your business grow and scale up effectively.
For Service Providers
Your chance to shine in front of the entire investor and manager community, while also tracking which firms and strategies are on the up.
Pre-selection data for the awards is provided by Bloomberg, based on annualised returns over the 12 months from January 1st – December 31st 2023 by funds in the below categories. Nominations in various award categories are further split by size and strategy as specified in the award name.
For the service provider categories, the nominated firms are based on a widespread survey of more than 100 credit fund managers and other key industry participants.
Credit Hedge Multi-Strategy Fund of the Year
Credit Hedge Direct Lending Fund of the Year
Credit Hedge Credit Long/Short Fund of the Year
Credit Hedge Emerging Market Debt Fund of the Year
Best Performance of the Year
Credit Hedge Structured Credit Fund of the Year
Credit Hedge Fund of the Year over $500M
Credit Hedge Fund of the Year under $500M
Credit Hedge Long/Short Fund of the Year under $500M
Best Distressed Debt/Special Situations Fund of the Year
Debt Hedge Fund Management Company of the Year
Credit Hedge Fund Managerment Company of the Year
Credit Hedge Structured Credit Fund of the Year
Alegra Capital AG(PvB Alegra CLO Fund)
Credit Hedge Direct Lending Fund of the Year
Altana Wealth Ltd (Altana Specialty Finance)
Credit Hedge Multi-Strategy Fund of the Year
Axiom Alternative Investments Sarl (Axiom Alternative Funds SICAV-RAIF - Axiom Credit Opportunity)
Credit Hedge Credit Long/Short Fund of the Year
Blueglen Investment Partners Ltd (Blueglen European Credit Fund I)
Credit Hedge Emerging Market Debt Fund of the Year
GML Capital LLP (Growth Credit Fund IC)
Performance of the Year - Over $1 Billion Debt/Loans
Hayfin Capital Management LLP (Hayfin Direct Lending Fund III SCSp)
Credit Hedge Long/Short Fund of the Year under $500M
Hellebore Capital Ltd (Hellebore Credit Arbitrage)
Performance of the Year - Debt/Mezzanine
ICG (ICG Europe Mid-Market Fund SCSp)
Performance of the Year - Over $1 Billion Debt
Pemberton Capital Advisors LLP (Pemberton Strategic Credit Opportunities Fund II)
Performance of the Year - Under $1 Billion Debt
Pantheon Ventures Ltd (Pantheon Credit Opportunities Fund II)
Performance of the Year - Under $1 Billion Debt/Loans
Pantheon Ventures Ltd (Pantheon Credit Opportunities Fund II)
Distressed Debt/Special Situations Fund of the Year
Shiprock Capital Management Ltd (Shiprock Capital Master Fund LP)
Performance of the Year - Debt/Special Opportunity
Signal Capital Partners Ltd (Signal Alpha II Fund LP)
Best Performance of the Year
Axiom Alternative Investments Sarl (Axiom Alternative Funds SICAV-RAIF - Axiom Credit Opportunity)
Credit Hedge Fund of the Year under $500M
Axiom Alternative Investments Sarl (Axiom Alternative Funds SICAV-RAIF - Axiom Credit Opportunity)
Best RE Debt Fund
Frux Capital (Frux Debt Fund II)
Best Mezzanine Fund
ICG (ICG Europe Fund VII)
Best Other Private Debt Fund
Inveready Asset Management (Inveready Venture Finance III)
Best Direct Lending Fund
Soho Square Capital (Soho Square Capital)
Credit Hedge Fund Management Company of the Year
Selwood Asset Management LLP (Selwood AM Liquid Fund I Ltd)
Credit Hedge Fund of the Year over $500M
Selwood Asset Management LLP (Selwood AM Liquid Fund I Ltd)
Debt Hedge Fund Management Company of the Year
VR Advisory Services Ltd (VR Global Offshore Fund Ltd)
Credit Hedge Multi-Strategy Fund of the Year
Axiom Alternative Investments Sarl (Axiom Alternative Funds SICAV-RAIF - Axiom Credit Opportunity)
Blueglen Investment Partners Ltd (Blueglen Funds ICAV - Blueglen Opportunities Credit Fund I)
Cheyne Capital Management UK LLP (Cheyne Select Feeder Fund ICAV - Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund)
Asgard Asset Management A (Asgard Fixed Income Fund I Ltd/The)
Investeringsforvaltningsselskabet SEBinvest A (Kapitalforeningen HP Hedge - Fixed Income KL)
Credit Hedge Credit Long/Short Fund of the Year
Finans Asset Management (Finans Yatirim Ark Istanbul Portfoy Serbest Yatirim Fund)
Blueglen Investment Partners Ltd (Blueglen European Credit Fund I)
(Selwood Asset Management LLP) Selwood AM Liquid Fund I Ltd
Cheyne Capital Management UK LLP (Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund December 2024 Inc)
Napier Park Global Capital US LP (Napier Park Eton Fund Ltd)
Credit Hedge Direct Lending Fund of the Year
Altana Wealth Ltd (Altana Specialty Finance)
Mutuactivos SA SGIIC (Mutuafondo Financiacion FIL)
Solventis SGIIC SA (Spanish Direct Leasing Fund II Fil)
Credit Hedge Emerging Market Debt Fund of the Year
GML Capital LLP (Growth Credit Fund IC)
Azimuth Asset Management LLC (Hedgeadvisors Capital Growth)
BlueBay Asset Management LLP (Global Funds SPC - Bluebay Emerging Market Select Bond SP)
Nykredit Portefoelje Administration A (Kapitalforeningen Industriens Pension Portfolio-Emerging Markets Obligationer V)
Enko Capital Management LLP (Enko Africa Debt Fund)
Best Performance of the Year
Axiom Alternative Investments Sarl (Axiom Alternative Funds SICAV-RAIF - Axiom Credit Opportunity)
Blueglen Investment Partners Ltd (Blueglen Funds ICAV - Blueglen Opportunities Credit Fund I)
Finans Asset Management (Finans Yatirim Ark Istanbul Portfoy Serbest Yatirim Fund)
GML Capital LLP (Growth Credit Fund IC)
Oristan Ireland DAC (BK Opportunities Fund VII Ltd)
Credit Hedge Structured Credit Fund of the Year
Oristan Ireland DAC (BK Opportunities Fund VII Ltd)
Alegra Capital AG (PvB Alegra CLO Fund)
Bluebay Asset Management USA LLC (Bluebay Global Structured Credit Opportunities Fund Ltd/The)
Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund Inc (Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund Inc)
Credit Hedge Fund of the Year under $500M
Alegra Capital AG (PvB Alegra CLO Fund)
Axiom Alternative Investments Sarl (Axiom Alternative Funds SICAV-RAIF - Axiom Credit Opportunity)
Azimuth Asset Management LLC (Hedgeadvisors Capital Growth)
Finans Asset Management (Finans Yatirim Ark Istanbul Portfoy Serbest Yatirim Fund)
GML Capital LLP (Growth Credit Fund IC)
Credit Hedge Fund of the Year over $500M
Selwood Asset Management LLP (Selwood AM Liquid Fund I Ltd)
Serone Capital Management LLP (Serone Key Opportunities Fund Ltd)
Napier Park Global Capital US LP (Napier Park Eton Fund Ltd)
Enko Capital Management LLP (Enko Africa Debt Fund)
Nykredit Portefoelje Administration A (Kapitalforeningen Investin Pro - US Leveraged Loans I)
Credit Hedge Fund Management Company of the Year
Blueglen Investment Partners Ltd (Blueglen Funds ICAV - Blueglen Opportunities Credit Fund I)
GML Capital LLP (Growth Credit Fund IC)
Oristan Ireland DAC (BK Opportunities Fund VII Ltd)
Credit Hedge Long/Short Fund of the Year under $500M
Finans Asset Management (Finans Yatirim Ark Istanbul Portfoy Serbest Yatirim Fund)
Hellebore Capital Ltd (Hellebore Credit Arbitrage)
Numen Capital LLP (Numen Credit Opportunities Fund Inc)
Distressed Debt/Special Situations Fund of the Year
BlueBay Asset Management LLP (Bluebay Event Driven Credit Fund Limited/The)
Buttermere Capital Ltd (Buttermere Deep Value Ltd)
Oristan Ireland DAC (BK Opportunities Fund VI Ltd)
Shiprock Capital Management Ltd (Shiprock Capital Master Fund LP)
VR Advisory Services Ltd (VR Global Offshore Fund Ltd)
Debt Hedge Fund Management Company of the Year
BlueBay Asset Management LLP (Bluebay Event Driven Credit Fund Limited/The)
Blueglen Investment Partners Ltd (Blueglen European Credit Fund I)
Buttermere Capital Ltd (Buttermere Deep Value Ltd)
Oristan Ireland DAC (BK Opportunities Fund VII Ltd)
Selwood Asset Management LLP (Selwood AM Liquid Fund I Ltd)
Shiprock Capital Management Ltd (Shiprock Capital Master Fund LP)
VR Advisory Services Ltd (VR Global Offshore Fund Ltd)
Performance of the Year – Over $1 Billion Debt/Loans
Performance of the Year – Under $1 Billion Debt/Loans
Performance of the Year – Debt/Mezzanine
Performance of the Year – Under $1 Billion Debt
Performance of the Year – Over $1 Billion Debt
Performance of the Year – Debt/Special Opportunity
Performance of the Year - Under $1 Billion Debt/Loans
Pantheon Credit Opportunities Fund II
ICG Europe Fund VIII
Barings Global Credit Fund SCSp SICAV-SIF - Barings Global Private Loans 3
Arcmont Assessment Management Senior Loan Fund I
Green Arrow Private Debt Fund
Performance of the Year - Over $1 Billion Debt/Loans
CVC Credit Partners European Direct Lending Fund III
TCI Real Estate Partners Fund III LP
Hayfin Direct Lending Fund III SCSp
ICG Senior Debt Partners IV
Arcmont Asset Management Direct Lending Fund III
Performance of the Year - Debt/Special Opportunity
Blantyre Special Situations Fund I LP
Signal Alpha II Fund LP
Hayfin Special Opportunities Fund II LP
AlbaCore Partners I ICAV
European Private Equity Opportunities II LP
Performance of the Year - Debt/Mezzanine
ICG Europe Mid-Market Fund SCSpI
CG Recovery Fund II LP
ICG Europe Fund VII SCSp
Performance of the Year - Over $1 Billion Debt
ICG Europe Fund VII SCSp
permira credit solutions iii
Pemberton Strategic Credit Opportunities Fund II
Cheyne European Strategic Value Credit Fund II
CVC Credit Partners European Direct Lending Fund III
Performance of the Year - Under $1 Billion Debt
Pantheon Credit Opportunities Fund II
ICG Europe Mid-Market Fund SCSp
Blantyre Special Situations Fund I LP
Alchemy Special Opportunities Fund IV LP
Cheyne European Strategic Value Credit Fund II
Best RE Debt Fund
Frux Capital (Frux Debt Fund II)
Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund VII
Albulus CREDIT Fund
Best Mezzanine Fund
Pride Capital Partners (Pride Capital II)
ICG (ICG Europe Mid-Market Fund)
ICG (ICG Europe Fund VII)
Best Direct Lending Fund
Inveready Asset Management (Inveready Venture Finance III)
Triton (Triton Debt Opportunities Fund II)
Cross Ocean Partners (Cross Ocean Global Credit Dislocation Fund)
Best Direct Lending Fund
Soho Square Capital (Soho Square Capital III)
Pemberton Asset Management (Pemberton Strategic Credit Fund III)
M&G Investments (M&G Specialty Finance Fund II)
Compliance Service of the Year - Fund Domicile
Compliance Service of the Year - Overall
Audit Service of the Year
Cyber Security Solution of the Year
Credit Consultants of the Year
Custodian Service of the Year
Administrator of the Year - Debt/Loan
Deal Origination Solution of the Year
Data Provider of the year - Overall
Fund Accounting and Reporting Software of the Year
Data Provider of the Year - Portfolio Monitoring & Analytics
Executive Search Firm of the Year
Insurance Solution of the Year
Fund Administrator of the Year - Stuctured Credit
Fund Administrator of the Year - Private Credit
FX Solution of the Year
Fund Administrator of the Year - Technology
Fund Administrator of the Year - Overall
Placement Agent of the Year
Managed Service Provider of the Year
Law Firm of the Year - Fund Structuring
New Solution Provider of the Year
Law Firm of the Year - Lending and Securities
Middle Office Services of the Year
Tax Advisory Firm of the Year
Ratings Provider of the Year
Valuation Service of the Year
Portfolio Management System of the Year
Technology Innovation of the Year
Law Firm of the Year - Overall
Managed Service Provider of the Year
Abacus Group
Portfolio Management System of the Year
Acuity Knowledge Partners
Law Firm of the Year - Fund Structuring
Addleshaw Goddard
FX Solution of the Year
Alpha Group
Research Solution of the Year
Fund Administrator of the Year - Private Credit
Alter Domus
Fund Administrator of the Year – Overall
Aztec Group
Administrator of the Year - Debt/Loan
BNP Paribas
Audit Service of the Year
Custodian Service of the Year
BNY Mellon
Data Provider of the Year - Portfolio Monitoring & Analytics
DealCloud - Intapp
Fund Accounting & Reporting Software of the Year
Dynamo Software
Placement Agent of the Year
Eaton Partners, a Stifel company
Ratings Provider of the Year
Fitch Ratings
Compliance Service of the Year – Overall
Strategic Intelligence Provider of the Year
Fund Administrator of the Year - Structured Credit IQ-EQ
Executive Search Firm of the Year
Jensen Partners
Technology Innovation of the Year
Tax Advisory Firm of the Year
Law Firm of the Year – Overall
Insurance Solution of the Year
Law Firm of the Year - Lending and Securities
Cyber Security Solution of the Year
Options Technology
New Solution Provider of the Year
Oxane Partners
Data Provider of the year – Overall
Credit Consultant of the Year
Rosedge Capital
Middle Office Services of the Year
SS&C Technologies
Valuation Service of the Year
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Deal Origination Solution of the Year
Fund Administrator of the Year – Technology
TMF Group
Compliance Service of the Year - Fund Domicile
Audit Service of the Year
Bolder Group
Compliance Service of the Year - Fund Domicile
Maples Group
Compliance Service of the Year - Overall
ACA Group
RQC Group
TMF Group
Cyber Security Solution of the Year
Abacus Group
ACA Group with ACA Aponix
Options Technology
Credit Consultants of the Year
Capital Four
Rosedge Capital
Custodian Service of the Year
BNP Paribas
BNY Mellon
Goldman Sachs
MUFG Investor Services
RBC Investor Services
Deal Origination Solution of the Year
Intapp DealCloud
Menara Capital
Data Provider of the year - Overall
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Data Provider of the Year - Portfolio Monitoring & Analytics
Acuity Knowledge Partners
Intapp DealCloud
KBRA Analytics
Executive Search Firm of the Year
Jensen Partners
Lockwood Executive Search
One Ten Associates
Robert Walters
Rutherford Search
Administrator of the Year - Debt/Loan
Alter Domus
Apex Group
BNP Paribas
Menara Capital
Opus Fund Services
U.S. Bank Global Fund Services
Fund Accounting and Reporting Software of the Year
Allvue Systems
Atom Invest
Dynamo Software
SS&C Advent
Fund Administrator of the Year - Technology
BNP Paribas
Opus Fund Services
SS&C Technologies
TMF Group
Fund Administrator of the Year - Private Credit
Alter Domus
BNP Paribas
Citco Fund Services
SS&C Technologies
TMF Group
Fund Administrator of the Year - Stuctured Credit
Alter Domus
Citco Fund Services
HSBC Markets & Securities Services
Universal Investment
FX Solution of the Year
Alpha Group
Chatham Financial
Insurance Slution of the Year
Fund Administrator of the Year - Overall
Alter Domus
BNP Paribas
SS&C Technologies
TMF Group
U.S. Bank Global Fund Services
Law Firm of the Year - Overall
Allen & Overy
Gowling WLG
K&L Gates
Mayer Brown
Ropes & Gray
White & Case
Law Firm of the Year - Lending and Securities
Kirkland & Ellis
Latham Watkins
Schulte Roth & Zabel
Law Firm of the Year - Fund Structuring
Addleshaw Goddard
Allen & Overy
Alverez & Marsal
Clifford Chance
Gowling WLG
Maples Group
Reed Smith
Middle Office Services of the Year
Acuity Knowledge Partners
Hazeltree Fund Services
SS&C Technologies
New Solution Provider of the Year
Frictionless Markets
Menara Capital
Oxane Partners
Petra Funds Group
Rosedge Capital
Managed Service Provider of the Year
Abacus Group
ACA Group
Oxane Partners
Ratings Provider of the Year
Egan Jones
Fitch Ratings
Moody's Investors Service
S&P Global Ratings
Portfolio Management System of the Year
Acuity Knowledge Partners
Allvue Systems
Atom Invest
Oxane Partners
SS&C Advent
Placement Agent of the Year
Synaptic Partners
Teneo Partners
Eaton Partners
Alvine Capital
Valuation Service of the Year
Acuity Knowledge Partners
Oxane Partners
SOLVE - AdvantageData
Technology Innovation of the Year
Abacus Group
ACA Group with ACA ComplianceAlpha®
Frictionless Markets
Oxane Partners
Strategic Intelligence Provider of the Year
Control Risks
FTI Consulting
Research Solution of the Year
Acuity Knowledge Partners
Tax Advisory Firm of the Year
Allen & Overy
Have you been shortlisted? Download your campaign kit below!
Please note that the license agreement to use the materials expires on Thursday 16th May 2024
Investor Advisory Board
On The Night
The Private Equity Wire European Credit Awards provide an excellent networking opportunity in a casual atmosphere where we’ll also be celebrating the achievements of the Credit community.
Hosted on the back of our annual Private Credit European Summit, join us at etc. venues County Hall, London where we’ll be bringing together over 100 industry professionals for an evening of fizz, laughter and entertainment.
Please note, this is a standing drinks and canape reception. No dinner will be served.
17.30 – Welcome drinks reception
18.30 – Awards warm up and presentation
18.50 – After-Awards networking drinks
20.30 – Taxi’s
Dress code: Business Casual
Awards host:
Aftab Bose
Head of Private Markets Content
Private Equity Wire
Awards comedian:
Jimmy McGhie
Jimmy was an Assistant Producer for the BBC’s Science and History Dept, having spent seven years working in factual television before he ran off to join the stand up comedy circus professionally in 2009. Since then, he has performed stand up all over the world and appeared on numerous television and radio programmes including the BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5, Comedy Central, ABC Australia, THREE New Zealand, Absolute Radio and many more.
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Please use the form below to register your interest in attending the Private Equity Wire European Credit Awards 2024. Please note that this is not a confirmation of attendance.
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